An Overview of the Atticus API

Atticus is a test helper library.


by unknown author
Detailed API documentation
Factory methods to generate defrecord instances for use in testing.  Inspired by
notahat's machinist gem.

You can refer to (lexically) previous fields when defining the factory.

     (defrecords make-rec my.ns.SomeRecord
       :n 1 :o (inc (:n %)))

       => {:n 1 :o 2}

Overriding a single value will cause it to be picked up in computed expressions
     (make-rec :n 2)
       => {:n 2 :o 3}

Computed fields can also be set explicitly.
   (make-user :o 1)
     => {:n 1 :o 1}
Public variables and functions: clj-fields defrecords set-fields


by unknown author
Detailed API documentation
Simple Mocking in Clojure. Allows you to implement the mock function as a

(deftest with-1-test
   [(f [arg] (is (= arg 1) "Check argument") arg)]
   (is (= 1 (f 1)) "Call mocked function")))

(deftest with-1-once-test
   [(f [arg] (once (inc arg)))]
   (is (= 1 (f 1)) "Call mocked function")))

(deftest with-1-times-test
   [(f [arg] (times 2 arg))]
   (is (= 1 (f 1)) "Call mocked function")
   (is (= 1 (f 1)) "Call mocked function")))
Public variables and functions: add-expectation add-mock construct-bindings construct-mock expects once times


by unknown author
Detailed API documentation
Stub objects for testing.
Public variables and functions: eval-constant stub


by unknown author
Detailed API documentation

  Public variables and functions:
  tmpfile with-temporary-file 
Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.